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$1 Million Guaranteed Tournament Launched

Written by: on 25th October 2009
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$1 Million Tournament

$1 Million Tournament

Online poker players have a chance to win their share of one million dollars every month in a new tournament series staged by a leading poker room.

The inaugural $1,000,000 Guaranteed Prize Tournament will be staged on September 13, 2009 at 18:00 GMT, with a buy-in of $500 + $35. Poker players can also win their seat in qualifier satellites, with buy-ins as low as $1 + $0.10.

Titan Poker stages a highly popular $250,000 Guaranteed Prize Tournament every Sunday night, however on September 13, the focus will turn instead to the $1,000,000 Guaranteed. Many players have already guaranteed their seats at the hugely anticipated million-dollar event.

Titan Poker stages innovative and exciting promotions and tournaments, and awards seats to the major poker tournaments around the world, including the World Series of Poker, the Asian Poker Tour, the Aussie Millions, the ECPokerTour, and the Irish Open.

If you are looking to enjoy the very best in

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